International digital journal N 1

Saturday, July 27, 2024
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The parks and gardens in Monaco: A green spirit in a city’s body

Enjoy a little stroll through the parks and gardens dotted throughout the Principality. Monaco is a sustainable city-state with almost 20% of its surface area covered in greenery. As such, the Principality is proud to highlight its commitment to preserving the environment. From parks and gardens to squares and leafy neighbourhoods, Monaco offers a wealth of choice if you want to enjoy some time outdoors during your stay.

I parchi e i giardini a Monaco: Uno spirito verde in un corpo di città

Una passeggiatina nel verde dei parchi e giardini del Principato. Monaco, città-Stato, ma anche città sostenibile. Con quasi il 20% del territorio ricoperto di verde, il Principato mostra chiaramente il desiderio di preservare il suo ambiente naturale. Parchi, giardini, piazze e aree verdi... perdetevi in una passeggiata nel verde durante il vostro soggiorno a Monaco.

La Maison Schiaparelli : la démesure sous Haute couture

Novatrices, puissantes, controversées, ses créations ont fait voler en éclats les codes de la mode du XXe siècle : de la fin des années 1920 au milieu des années 1950, Elsa Schiaparelli a révolutionné l’univers de la Haute couture et du prêt-à-porter à grands coups d’extravagance surréaliste et de rose shocking. Fermée en 1954, la Maison renaît ces dernières années, brillant sur la scène mondiale dans une formidable fusion d’élégance, d’authenticité et de créativité.

The 10 most famous Rolex watches

Since 1905, luxury watchmaker Rolex has been selling its illustrious models all over the world. The firm's Swiss watches, and in particular the Oyster model, have acquired a reputation and an aura that go far beyond their function: true legends of design, these exceptional wristwatches symbolise excellent craftsmanship. Let’s look back at ten of the brand's most iconic models. 

Notre sélection du meilleur restaurant à Monaco

Gastronomie et plaisirs de la table font partie des incontournables de l’art de vivre à la monégasque. Les bonnes adresses ne manquent pas dans la Principauté et pour vous y retrouver, cette sélection des meilleurs restaurants de Monaco vous permettra de choisir selon vos envies. Plats de chefs étoilés, menus équilibrés, cuisines du monde… tout y est. Retrouvez aussi les lieux pour combiner sorties au casino et dégustations gourmandes, les restaurants pour dîner ou déjeuner les pieds dans l’eau et ceux pour grignoter sur le pouce. Toutes les expériences gourmandes de la Riviera, en somme ! 

150 years of history and savoir-faire at the Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo Wine Cellars

More than 150 years have passed, but the wine cellar is just as fascinating as it always has been and magical stories emerge from the Hotel de Paris Monte-Carlo Wine Cellars. Built in 1864, not only has the cellar witnessed many historical events over the years, it has sometimes played a key role in them. Travel back in time as we explore the cellar.

The Rose Ball in Monaco

The great charity event known as the Rose Ball has been taking place in Monaco for almost 70 years. This early spring soirée is one of the Principality's most popular annual festivities. Far beyond being a run-of-the-mill social occasion, it is as highly anticipated by the public as it is watched by the press, drawing in various stars and celebrities. Below, we take a closer look at an unmissable VIP event which never fails to charm.

The best restaurants in Monaco

astronomy and delectable foodie pleasures are an essential part of Monaco’s inimitable lifestyle. There is no shortage of top dining experiences in the Principality so, to help you find the right ones for you, we have made our selection of the best restaurants in Monaco. It covers everything from dishes featured in the Michelin Guide to healthy tasting menus and world cuisine. You will also spot a few places where you can combine casino nights with gourmet food; fine dining restaurants where you can eat your dinner or lunch with your toes dipped in the Mediterranean sea; and destinations for quick bites on the go. In short, it is a snapshot of all the dining experiences the French Riviera has to offer! 

Street Art da Parigi a Monaco: Incontro con Jordane Saget

Sanare le crepe di un muro, decorare una buca nell’asfalto, abbellire le strade tortuose, riparare la città e magnificarne le bellezze... Questa è tutta l’essenza dell'arte di Jordane Saget, street artist parigino che, da dieci anni, traccia il suo percorso e le sue linee per le strade. Un trio di linee ondulate e parallele tracciate con il gessetto, il pennello o le dita, che è venuto a posare quest'anno nel Principato. Tre linee di poesia che dialogano con i tre colori, azzurro, rosa e rosso, della primavera monegasca.

Cypriota podcast by Anastasia Lashkul

Cypriota podcast is a project that is founded by Anastasia Lashkul. Anastasia was one of our youngest authors, who currently already has her own project, which we are happy to present to our readers.

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