Author Julia
How often do we analyse our wardrobe? Personally, I do it four times per year, as a rule, like a general cleaning when changing season. And monthly, usually at the end of the month, to find out what clothes I do wear and what remains on the shelves.
Analysing the wardrobe quarterly helps when you want to achieve the concept of “you always have something to wear.” I usually look through all the items of clothing, from outerwear to underwear, and then I form a capsule wardrobe, matching things that go well together. Analysing what is stored on my shelves and hangers on a regular basis helps me understand what exactly I want to wear in the coming season, what is no longer relevant and what needs to be bought.
I guess many of you do this kind of wardrobe check-up, but if you don’t, I recommend you start doing that, as this way you will always be pleased with your wardrobe: you will always have items that match each other in colour or style, and you will always be satisfied that you have something to wear and you look great.

In the same way, you need to examine the wardrobe in your head. I call this action the “mental wardrobe analysis”.
What do I mean? I mean analysing what our mental space is filled with, what thoughts “swirl” in our mind. We often have some routine tasks that capture us so much that from time to time you would like to stop and say: “I’m tired of doing all that.” That is why I am writing this article, to help everyone who reads it to be always satisfied and pleased with their thoughts, tasks, actions and results, as it is known our thoughts shape the decisions, which lead to the actions, and our actions form the results.
Just like my clothes revision, I do the same to my “mental wardrobe” about once a quarter, when the seasons change.
Obviously, I have goals and plans for the whole year, but every three months I analyse, kind of sort out what I have already managed to do in the previous quarter and what I would like to leave for the new one, also what to remove, or perhaps to add. And, of course, I do the same analysis monthly: usually, at the end of the month, I also analyse what the month was like, what I managed to do, also I reschedule some plans to next month, or I simply cross others off.
But to be honest, I do a mini-analysis every evening, because I want to live my life brightly, interestingly and happily. I believe that examining the “mental wardrobe” is of great importance in our lives.
If you take a deeper look, sorting out the “mental wardrobe” is probably much more important than sorting out our clothes hanging in the closet. Despite it, a few people do that. We are often ready to spend time on anything, but working out our thoughts or solving problems, we simply go with the flow or do some routine things. Unfortunately, this is how most people live, but this article is not for the majority — it is for those who really want to enjoy the life they live and be successful in their business and life in general.
So, what is needed to sort out your “mental wardrobe”?
First of all, it is your desire.
Secondly, the analysis of what fills your mind.
I think there is a huge amount of absolutely unnecessary information we get from the Internet, news, social networks, etc. If you decide to analyse at least one of your days, then you need to count how many times you access social networks, what you find there and how many hours, not even minutes (!), you spend online, what information you get from various sources and what it gives you.
Then you need to answer the question: is this the life you like? If yes, continue doing that.
If not, try to change something.

I love the expression that sounds like: “Everyone creates what they want and obtain what they created.” If you like what you have created in your life, continue doing the same. If you are not satisfied with something, change it!
We are used to hearing the excuse: “I have no time”. No time for what? For self-caring? For your mental health? For our body to look beautiful and healthy? In fact, there is enough time for everything which is important in our life, it’s just necessary to determine what is the most important, and to do that you need to analyse your “mental wardrobe”!
So, after determining what is important personally for you, there is a little to do, which is to throw out the unnecessary from your mind (as you throw away unnecessary clothes) and fill it with things that are important to you.
Start doing such sorting out every evening, cleaning up your mental wardrobe and filling it with the right things, and gradually this action will become a habit for you! Step by step, point by point, you will sort out everything on the shelves in your “mental wardrobe” and enjoy throwing away unnecessary things, as well as filling your mental wardrobe with some new interesting tasks and goals. If you learn to do that, trust me, your life will become more diverse and you will be more satisfied.
And one more piece of advice — when you learn to do that on a regular basis, as only regularity provides results, try to teach that to your children. Quite a large number of parents I communicate with are worried that their children always take on the phone and are constantly in the virtual world. But we can show by our own example that it’s possible to live happily even without a phone in our hands!
So, I wish you to analyse your “mental wardrobe” in the very next days after reading this article. Don’t postpone this sorting out, because it will give you a quality life and pleasure in every day!
Read also:
How to make your morning routine easier
How to Be Happy: Secrets to a Happier Life
What is love for a teenager and its stages?

Author Julia
Основательница Сoffee Time Journal